Using endnote x9
Using endnote x9

using endnote x9

Ways to Collaborate on a Paper (Pros and Cons)

  • Cons: No pdfs, metadata incomplete, required that everyone has EndNote Desktop.
  • This enables you to collaborate with your colleagues on the same document without having to have the same EndNote library. Your Word document contains a "Traveling Library" comprising all references cited using EndNote. Send your EndNote library embedded within the Word Document you've been editing with EndNote. If this happens send an RIS file but note, all Groups and Group Sets will be lost, changes made by one user won’t be reflected in other users’ files.ģ.

    using endnote x9

  • Pros: PDFs can be included in the EndNote library.
  • How to: File > Compressed Library (.enlx) Compress and send an EndNote library (or group) through email or Box

    using endnote x9

  • Cons: The sharer can only share (sync) one library, the share-ee can have multiple libraries shared with them, make sure to finish syncing before closing the library, everyone needs to have an EndNote online accountĢ.
  • You can share your EndNote library (or groups) through EndNote Desktop

    Using endnote x9